
Key Health Data for the West Midlands 2002






List of Tables
List of Figures


Main Body


This is the fifth edition of Key Health Data for the West Midlands. Key Health Data is published by the Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham. It is a collaborative project with West Midlands Public Health Observatory, the West Midlands Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit and Chemical Hazards Research and Management Centre. It also depends on the active assistance of the Fire service, Water companies, and Department of Social Services

Contemporary Public Health employs a wide definition of health. Key Health Data reflects this spectrum reporting not just on the measurable mortality and morbidity but also the social and economic impacts that effects a person's well being. The philosophy is to signpost reliable health, health care, environmental and social information and to highlight the variation across the West Midlands. Its purpose is not to determine the cause or to provide 'league tables' of ill-health, but rather to promote the widest possible debate and to encourage active collaboration.

The content of this year's Key health Data builds upon previous years reports which continues to be available at http://www.publichealth.bham.ac.uk/publications/key_health_data/index.html. We thank those who have helped its content and production, and trust that it provides valuable information for those concerned with health and health care in the West Midlands and the authors would welcome any feedback you have.

Andrew Stevens
Professor of Public Health
Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
University of Birmingham

May 2003


For more information please contact Sarafina Cotterill on 0121 414 3368
© Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham