The University of Birmingham

Appendix 1: Details of Successful SRB Bids 1999/2000 West Midlands





List of Tables
List of Figures


Main Body


1: Successful SRB bids 99-2000
2: Successful SRB bids 98-99
3: Cancer incidence by PCG
4: Contents page KHD 1998

1.   Realising the Potential of Young People, Stoke

A 7-year bid to enhance the employability of young people across Stoke-on-Trent. The scheme aims to address the current dependency on the traditional industries of ceramics, coal and steel, and the problems of socially excluded 14-25 year olds or those who are at risk of becoming so. It will include arts, sports and cultural activities; raise personal expectations and address school exclusion through monitoring, links with business and colleagues to encourage continuity from school to work.' training and skills tailored to employer's needs.

Key Outputs: 36,000 pupils benefiting from projects to enhance / improve attainment; 4,532 people trained obtaining qualifications; 103 new business start-ups; 630 m2 improved workspace created.

Costs: SRB Y1: £900k    SRB Total: £16,536k    Scheme Total: 33 m

2.   Building on Diversity, Walsall

Targeted on 5 of Walsall's most deprived wards, this is a 7 year bid involving community regeneration and creating and sustaining employment. This will involve addressing health inequalities; improving community safety and environment; tackling social exclusion through capacity building measures (building on City Challenge & SRB Rounds 2 and 4); developing local enterprise; improving access to training and improving skills / educational attainment and employment opportunities.

Key Outputs: 744 jobs created; 632 jobs safeguarded. 3,217 people trained obtaining qualifications; 106 new business start-ups 106; 6,500 using improved health facilities.

Costs: SRB Y1: £226k    SRB Total: £13,861k    Scheme Total: £52m

3.   Family Support: Opportunities for Life & Learning, Birmingham

A 7-year bid to address health, training and family support needs in selected areas affected by social exclusion. The programme will focus on children and families and will create a network of local learning centres in accessible locations to deliver training, access to health care and parent support. Capacity building & community involvement will be promoted and will include training and employing local people in delivering projects.

Key Outputs: 10 new health facilities, 7,500 people accessing new health facilities, 1,200 people training obtaining qualifications, 100 childcare places.

Costs: SRB Y1: £75k    SRB Total: £12,000k    Scheme.Total: £24m

4.   Valuing Young People, Coventry

A 6-year bid to maximise the potential of Coventry's young people through capacity building and promoting social inclusion. It is intended to improve educational attainment, skills and employment prospects by focusing on intervention in schools and providing advice, guidance and support for vulnerable groups. Work experience will be offered through work placements and intermediate labour market intervention. The bid also targets community safety and crime by providing young people with leisure based activities and advice-support for those involved with substance / alcohol abuse.

Key Outputs: 198 jobs created / safeguard; 4,400 pupils benefiting from projects to enhance / improve attainment; 675 people trained obtaining a qualification; 11,600 young people benefiting from projects to promote personal and social development.

Costs: SRB Y1: £500k    SRB Total: £8,674k    Scheme Total: £18m

5.   Green Apprentices, Black Country

This 7-year bid, which is based on Intermediate Labour Market principles, will create a waged component to the New Deal Environmental Task Force option. These jobs will last 6-12 months with a target of 60% leaving the programme to take up further employment. Participants will be trained in a broad range of basic skills / competencies for the competitive job market. It will be aimed at those who are dropping out of New Deal and those excluded because of ethnic / cultural barriers or learning difficulties.

Key Outputs: 180 jobs created; 375 people placed into a permanent job and 675 temporary jobs created; 410 young people trained to gain a qualification.

Costs: SRB Y1: £309k    SRB Total: £5,742k    Scheme Total: £11 m

6.   North West Birmingham - A Prospectus for Regeneration

A 7 year bid to tackle social exclusion issues in Handsworth and North West Birmingham, which is a multi-ethnic, deprived area. The bid will promote capacity building through encouraging the separate communities to cooperate in developing a neighbourhood identity and contribute to decision making by giving families support; providing training and business support; undertaking environmental and community safety initiatives.

Key Outputs: 65 jobs created, 320 people trained obtaining qualifications, 10 new business start-ups, 400 residents benefiting from community safety improvements, 5,800 people given access to new community facilities.

Costs: SRB Y1: £187k    SRB Total: £3,866k    Scheme Total: £18m

7.   Opening Up Opportunities, Wolverhampton

A 5-year bid targeted at the Black and Minority Ethnic residents of Wolverhampton (particularly St Peter's, Graisley and Blackenhall wards). It aims to enhance employment prospects, education and skills, identify / combat racial discrimination, encourage health promotion / improvement, tackle crime / ldrug abuse; improve community safety.

Key Outputs: 100 jobs created; 600 people trained obtained qualifications; 1,000 young people benefiting from personal and social development; 3,000 community facilities improved.

Costs: SRB Y1: £260k    SRB Total: £2,210k    Scheme Total: £3m

8.   West Midlands Voluntary & Community Sector Strategic Partnership

A 7-year bid to promote social inclusion within the West Midlands Region. It will provide a regional voice, service an existing forum of key voluntary community sector players.' provide co-ordinating services to the voluntary and community sector, including management training and capacity building groups representing the most socially excluded groups.

Key Outputs: 15,000 voluntary groups supported, 10,000 individuals engaged in voluntary work, 50 capacity building initiatives, 700 people trained gaining qualifications, 400 training week.

Costs: SRB Y1: £70k    SRB Total: £2,000k    Scheme Total: £3m

9.   Transforming Leamington Old Town

A 7 year bid to regenerate the Leamington Old Town local community, which suffers from multiple urban deprivation. The bid aims to develop a strong community infrastructure through capacity building, training & education, business support and environmental health and cultural initiatives.

Key Outputs: 259 jobs created; 1,100 people trained obtaining qualifications; 90 empty dwellings brought back into use; 41 voluntary organisations supported; 31 capacity buildings initiatives; 130 new childcare places.

Costs: SRB Y1: £161k    SRB Total: £4,460k    Scheme Total: £14m

10.   Wye - We Can Make it Better

A 7-year bid to regenerate 3 of the 4 most deprived wards in Hereford City. It aims to build the capacity of the local community, set up education & training programmes, provide business support, encourage community enterprise and improve access to services and crime prevention, housing and transport projects will also contribute to the uplift of the area.

Key Outputs:. 99 jobs created; 2012 jobs safeguarded. 1523 people trained obtaining qualifications; 6,226 young people benefiting projects to promote personal and social development; 307 new childcare places.

Costs: SRB Y1: £80k   SRB Total: £4,359k.    Scheme Total: £13m

11.   Rural Community Regeneration, Staffordshire

A 7 year bid to support economic restructuring of traditional rural industries through diversification; the expansion of a micro-business economy and tourism development. Initiatives will improve skills; access to services and community safety will be included alongside projects to encourage capacity building and sustainable regeneration. Youth projects to counteract out-migration.

Key Outputs: 46 jobs created; 1,040 people training gaining qualifications; 100 people trained gaining jobs; 30 new business start-ups and 600 businesses advised.

Costs: SRB Y1: £50k    SRB Total: £3,755k    Scheme Total: £8m

12.   Empowering the Community in Camp Hill Urban Village, Warwickshire

This bid is aimed at the most deprived ward in Warwickshire to help the socially excluded and disadvantaged by provision of improved childcare facilities and educational / training opportunities to raise skills and attainment; community and home safety measures; anti-crime partnerships; business support / community enterprise; energy efficiency improvements to homes. This bid is linked to the national urban villages programme.

Key Outputs: 200jobscreated ; 310 people trained obtaining qualifications; 5,000 people given access to new health facilities.

Costs: SRB Y1: £73k   SRB Total: £2,184k    Scheme Total: £6m

13.   Warwickshire & Worcestershire Rural Retail Partnership

This 6-year bid addresses the lack of infrastructure in rural villages by using field workers, supported by retail consultants, to provide and regenerate retail-based services in small rural communities (less than 10,000 population). Capacity building in year one will identify need. Capital funding will regenerate existing retail outlets and compensate for village shop closures. The scheme targets the North Warwickshire Coalfield, Malvern Hills RDA (in Worcestershire) and other areas of deprivation in the target area.

Key Outputs: 1,260 training weeks, 23 jobs created, 4,0002m new / improved business floorspace, 100 businesses advised, 50 community enterprise start-ups, 200 capacity building initiatives.

Costs: SRB Y1: £208k    SRB Total: £1,750k    Scheme Total: £3m

14.   Lifelong Learning: The Early Years Preventing Disaffection

A 7 year bid to involve business and education in introducing 5-14 year olds to the world of work, prevent disaffection, and promote literacy and numeracy. It aims to help the development of key skills, promote & improve knowledge and interest in industry, encourage the development of life, social and equal opportunity skills and promote good citizenship.

Key Outputs: Key outcomes will be improved literacy, numeracy and career management skills for 135,800 primary pupils when they enter secondary education.

Costs: SRB Y1: £127k    SRB Total: £1,535k    Scheme Total: £3m

15.   Glascote Health Partnership - Meeting the Challenge

A community-led bid from the-8,0150 residents of Glascote Health estate in Tamworth focusing on three priority themes identified by local people: 1. Education training and employment. 2. Community development, capacity building and support. 3. Crime and community safety. The emphasis of the biais to overcome low levels of confidence, poor educational attainment and high levels of long term unemployment amongst local people.

Key Outputs: 28 jobs created, 487 people accessing jobs, 2000 young people benefiting from enhanced attainment.

Costs: SRB Y1: £166k    SRB Total: £1,380k    Scheme Total: £4m

16.   Rosebud, Shropshire

This 7 year bid aims to address a small pocket of deprivation in this market town and benefit the local area. Projects will include training and employment support, childcare, transport and environmental initiatives, financial management and community support, crime prevention, drug and alcohol programmes. 2 Outreach workers will be appointed.

Key Outputs: 25,000 training weeks; 150 jobs created; 1,000 residents accessing employment through training; 3,000 m2 new business floorspace; 200 dwellings improved; 1,000 people benefiting from community safety initiatives and new community facilities.

Costs: SRB Y1: £90k    SRB Total: £1,288k    Scheme Total: £3m

17.   Herefordshire Supported Housing for Young People

A 5 year bid to provide accommodation, support and access to training & employment opportunities for young people. Projects will provide emergency & longer-term supported accommodation for up to 60 - 85 young people annually. Support workers will link the young people with training, Youth Advice and Careers Advice Services.

Key Outputs, 8 jobs created; 50 people trained obtaining jobs; 320 young people benefiting from projects to promote personal and social development.

Costs: SRB Y1: £71k    SRB Total: £842k    Scheme Total: £2m

18.   Enhancing Employability & Meeting Labour Market Needs in Warwickshire

This bid addresses the lack of work readiness in young people and aims to improve the poor image of the manufacturing and engineering industries. Projects will include a Technology Partnership between schools, colleges and businesses.' encouraging entrepreneurship in schools and colleges enabling young people to aspire to a career in industry and a higher income.

Key Outputs: 6,000 pupils developing projects to enhance / improve attainment; 120 young people receiving qualifications; 10,000 young people involved in projects to promote personal / social development.

Costs: SRB Y1: £50k    SRB Total: £800k    Scheme Total: £2m

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For more information please contact Carol Richards
© Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham